Thursday, January 1, 2009


I've moved to See you there!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Day 30: Tanned Baby in Purple Blanky

Here's Beanie again, tolerating my swaddling her in her towel. The poor dog, I scooped her up while she was sleeping and started taking photos. She woke up but didn't make much of a fuss. The only time she'll hold still is when she's half asleep or deep in slumber.
Wow, I finished my 30 days! Wheee!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day 29: Gray Knobs

These are knobs from an old bathtub. I felt they might not look pretty, but they seem to have character.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 28: Frayed Yellow

This is actually a lemon yellow colored rag but it turned out a darker shade with the backlighting.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Day 27 Original Sepia Shot

This is the original unedited shot as I took it. Quite blah. I used the sepia mode in-camera since I don't know how to make it sepia in Photoshop. First thing I did was increase contrast then since the hue looked pinkish I made it a bit more yellow. After that I cropped out the space above the roof, color burned the roof a little and the result was my first post. For the adjusted shot I increased the contrast a bit more and color burned the lighter parts of the photo. I didn't use curves for this shot since I haven't gotten the hang of that yet. But poking around in Photoshop has really made me learn a lot :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 27: Sepia Spanish House

This is a pre-war (WW2) Spanish house which looked perfect for the sepia color I wanted to use today. No one lives there except for maybe a ghost or two :)
Thanks for the tip, kimbomac! I raised contrast a bit more and color burned some parts and it looks better now, less washed out. Edited photo on right.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day 26: Cerulean

Inspired by Thephrog's fish photos, I thought I'd show one of my own. My fish was very cooperative, I had a much harder time taking photos of the bubbles. 'Cerulean' is such a pretty name compared to what it was originally called, 'green blue.'
3 hours later...
I've been going crazy uploading this shot. I don't know much about Photoshop and after I tried layering to include the bubbles with the fish photo, I checked it out in full view and to saw to my dismay that my black background disappeared! If it's not gray and white squares, it's white with the fish and bubbles having black edges. I finally ended up masking them against a black background. Although the upload doesn't look as clear as the original that I saved, I don't want to edit it further because the whole thing might disappear :(